FOUR FEATHERS PRESS ONLINE EDITION: SCHOOL SHOES Send up to three poems on the subject of or at least mentioning the words school and/or shoe, totaling up to 150 lines in length, in the body of an email message or attached in a Word file to by 11:59 PM PST on August 16th. No PDF's please. Color artwork is also desired. Please send in JPG form. No late submissions accepted. Poets and artists published in Four Feathers Press Online Edition: School Shoes will be published online and invited to read at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, August 17th between 3 and 5 pm PST.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Kathee Hennigan Bautista

Today I say goodbye to my flipflops

Mom is taking me shopping for school shoes

Our annual pilgrimage

To enclose my toes

In shoes that are safe for

Running, climbing stairs, walking through

Wet hallways on rainy days.

My school has rules about shoes:

No open toes,

They must be black, brown or white

Forget the ones with skates on the bottom

That mysteriously disappear

When the teacher is looking

Time with mom on the last week of summer

How bittersweet

Like new school shoes

Delightful to look at knowing that they will leave blisters on my heels

Saying goodbye to the freedom of summer.

Ugly Shoes

My flat feet beg

For ugly shoes

Not for fashion shown

On the news

They want to carry

My considerable weight

Enabling me to walk

With a steady gait

You’ll never see me wearing

High heels

I simply don’t like the way

That they feel

Those fancy shoes that they make in Rome

Won’t find a way to my closet or home

So give me a pair of oxfords or flats,

Sneakers or loafers but nothing with spats

There are places to go that I want to see

I’m counting on ugly shoes to carry me.

Previously published in Altadena Poetry Review 2018

Mismatched Shoes

As a toddler my daughter wore mismatched shoes

One red, the other pink

She loved them both

So why play favorites?

It was a decision I chose not to fight

Her first taste of creativity

Of independent decision making

I credit mismatched shoes for her self-confidence

Love of color

Courage to be take risks

To express herself freely

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