FOUR FEATHERS PRESS ONLINE EDITION: SCHOOL SHOES Send up to three poems on the subject of or at least mentioning the words school and/or shoe, totaling up to 150 lines in length, in the body of an email message or attached in a Word file to by 11:59 PM PST on August 16th. No PDF's please. Color artwork is also desired. Please send in JPG form. No late submissions accepted. Poets and artists published in Four Feathers Press Online Edition: School Shoes will be published online and invited to read at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, August 17th between 3 and 5 pm PST.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Maria A Arana

This House (on Oak Street)


2 rooms for 8 people

sleeping on sofa beds every night

sleeping on mattresses on the floor

sharing 1 bathroom

no kitchen

but the one outside

covered in a tent

hoping the rain would fall on it

and not on the stove

where we cooked 

gallopinto and carne asada

toys were placed outside too

on a small door-less cabinet

Grandpa built

and the dog liked to pee

on the pink teddy bear

my sister loved

but no longer held


I never took naps

at Grandma’s house

mother always kept us busy

either with extra schoolwork

or chores

and every morning I saw

the lights turned on

to get the troop up

and ready for the day

and at night

the last thing I saw

was my sister’s hair


when I think of this house

I smell the dry wood

from the long table


in which I practiced

the folklorico dance

for the school play





school is out

buses parked

room is dark

curtains down

audience gone

performance grand

late night

spent alone

in someone else’s shoes

rain spatters on forehead

excuses a multitude

memories formed




Potty Mouth


It would be easy

to turn on the mute button

on all the bad language

among students in middle school

but it’s not


They have become automatic


against respect

and authority

but if sanctioned out of the room


They go without complaint

because they know

if they stay long enough

they’d change

and how would that look?

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