FOUR FEATHERS PRESS ONLINE EDITION: SCHOOL SHOES Send up to three poems on the subject of or at least mentioning the words school and/or shoe, totaling up to 150 lines in length, in the body of an email message or attached in a Word file to by 11:59 PM PST on August 16th. No PDF's please. Color artwork is also desired. Please send in JPG form. No late submissions accepted. Poets and artists published in Four Feathers Press Online Edition: School Shoes will be published online and invited to read at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, August 17th between 3 and 5 pm PST.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Mary Mayer Shapiro


The glass slipper placed

Upon the cushion

Left by an unknown person

In a flight 

To return home

The glass was sturdy

Would not bend, expand

Or break

Only fit a foot of

Miniature size

The winner would marry

The prince

Eventually become


The footmen went

From house to house

Where each girl tried

To shrink her foot

When inserted in the shoe

Disaster struck when

The glass slipper fell

And broke

In pieces

The winner

Produced the 

Other shoe

And easily slid

It on her foot

Is this the only

Qualification to

Be Queen?

If the shoe fits!


Each passing day

I spend within its four walls,

My life seems to bring forth meaning.


The steps

Have a symbolic meaning

in themselves.

There are seventeen steps

leading to the front door.


By a little walk.

The eighteenth step

is right before the door.

These steps

Represent years

of our life,

Years of our education.

The first step

indicates the beginning,

The introduction

Of a new way of life



Teaches us how

To control ourselves and

To get along with others.

From then on,

Our first year

To the last

Year of college, we gain knowledge,

Not only of education itself,

But also

That which is beneficial to us in our surroundings.

The eighteenth step

Signifies our existence, the combination of all we have

Acquired--our livelihood.


The building

Consisting of brick,


And cement

As its foundation,

Means security

A home, the structure means a sturdy way of life.

Holding us up

Against ignorance. Its durability

Anchors us from illiteracy.

Its robust manner

Keeps us jovial

And wants us to acquire all the knowledge we can.

The room also implies a meaning.

As we go

From day to day,

Year to year,

We venture forth from room to room/

As we ascend

From one room to another,

We leave behind the past year,

But bring its learning

into the new year.

The windows symbolize the future.

For as one looks out

They cannot see all that is before them.

With our compression

Of all we have


We are able to seek our goal.


School does remind me of life.


Passing the shoe store

Window display

Spied running shoes

Fit for a king

Tried it on

Sole of my feet

Sole of the shoe

Immediate connection

Individual shape of my feet

Mechanics of stride

Light weight, supple

Can run on payment

Or dirt, track obstacle course

Fastest time


Winning doesn't matter

Only runners high

Running daily

Or racing

3k, 5k, 10k


Sole to sole

A routine

Has to come to an end

Shoes and feet wear out

Cast of the feet

Inserted into

Bronze shoes

Placed on the mantel 



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